Dear Neighbors,

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and we would love to begin a holiday tradition with all of you!  Please join us in celebrating this (And hopefully every) holiday season by lining our neighborhood with candle luminaries!  Help us “Light up Las Cruces on Mesquite Street,”a lit luminario art gallery tour & Christmas event on Saturday, December 11th at 5pm and transform our neighborhood into a beautiful winter village with a 5:30pm-8:30pm event! Candles will stay lit 6-7 hours from 5pm.

The horse trolley will be giving rides on Mesquite Street to visit all participating art galleries that will provide “Chocolate on the Camino Real” chocolate treats & Christmas Shopping for a wonderful family centered cultural event. By foot or horse trolley, you can enjoy the lit lumenarios, art galleries & gift shopping on Mesquite Street Saturday, December 11th 5:30pm-8:30pm. Kids meet & take pictures with “Pachuco Style” Santa & Mrs. Claus at Nopalitos Galleria and enjoy chocolate treats featured in each gallery as you shop for Christmas gifts your family will treasure from local artisans.

The luminaries consist of a votive candle placed in 2-3 inches of sand inside a white paper bag. (See photo below).  Participating families and businesses line the street in front of their house and if desired, their driveways and walkways, too!  The luminaries are placed 4 feet apart and everyone lights their candles at 5:00pm.   We should have (Weather permitting) several hours to enjoy the impressive sight! If you will not be home to light your candles, but you wish to participate, a neighbor can light your candles for you! Just let us know beforehand!

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the attached form and place in our mailbox along with your payment by November 5th (It takes several weeks for the order to be processed). The cost is $.65 per kit.  (Each kit includes: 1 long burning votive, votive cup and white paper bag).  Sand is not included in the kits and will be available at the playground of Klein Park.  We are ordering the kits from Las Cruces High School Band.  We want to support the local kids and they will set them up for us, we just need volunteers to light them. If you would like to volunteer to light the luminarios, please let us know!

Determining how many luminaria kits you will need is totally up to you.  Order 1 luminaria kit per every 4 feet whether you just line the street in front of your house or line your driveway and/or walkway, too!  For example:  we will be ordering 60 kits for our house. (30 for the street, 18 for the driveway and 12 for the steps).  Do what works for you!

A notice will go out letting you know of a pick-up date and any other information will be given at that time as well.  If we receive high interest, we may need help putting household orders together for pickup-please let me know if you wish to help!  We are asking the neighbors of N. Mesquite St., E. Griggs Ave., N. San Pedro St. & E. Organ Ave. to participate. The horse trolley will start at 226 Mesquite St and go to 925 Mesquite St.

Donations to Love Las Cruces beautify neighborhoods through clean up, and art installments!

e-mail us at  if you have any questions or suggestions!

 Thank you and best wishes!

Alycia Jameson